Anthropology of Food

2008 American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Francisco


It was a great AAA meeting (Nov 19-23) in San Francisco this year. I had the opportunity to participate in two fantastic panels: first, I presented a paper entitled “Acqua di Sangemini: Women, mineral water and health in Italy” in a session organized by Janet Chrzan that was entitled “Feminine Fluids: Drinks and Identity in the Female Life Cycle”. We really hope that a collection of essays will come out of this. Second, I helped chair and organise a panel with Carole Counihan: “Knorks and Mezzalunas: Cutting Edges of Food Studies in Anthropology”. At the moment, I am working on writing up the interesting  e-mail exchange between the participants that took place before the session. Thank you to everyone who participated, gave us feedback and shared their ideas.

If you are a member of the AAA and you are interested in the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, I would suggest becoming a member of the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). This is a wonderful little community.